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Rachel Karger


Welcome To Mrs. Karger's

Band Room


You can access all information for band on the band web page.   Click Here





The band program exists to provide an excellent music education for the students. This is achieved through individual study and varied performances in many venues supporting a curriculum which places an emphasis on comprehensive musicianship. Performance opportunities include large ensembles, chamber ensembles, and solos. The skills that band students acquire in these activities are directly related to skills necessary for auditions, presentations, and interviews in music as well as other fields of interest. Being a member of this program requires commitment, responsibility, and organization. Members will be given the opportunity to develop self-esteem, poise, loyalty, leadership, and confidence while simultaneously strengthening their musical abilities.


The band program also will develop a student’s social skills. Participation in band enables the students to form close friendships within the school through their collaborative efforts. It also provides the opportunity to work with their peers as part of a team. As a member of the Chandler High School Band, students make long-lasting friendships and develop a sense of camaraderie that is unique to our organization. There will be many opportunities for musical fellowship and fun through participation in the band.






1)To provide a safe environment in which students can learn about music through performance.

2)To help each student realize his or her musical talent and develop it to the highest possible level.

3)To uphold high standards of excellence in all aspects of music making.

4)To grow creatively as individuals and ensemble members.

5)To establish a supportive community of respect, responsibility, and creativity.



Rachel Karger

Upcoming Events

Contact Rachel Karger

Classroom Number:
Band Room
School Phone:
Conference Time: